Border and Election Integrity Resolutions

This letter is being sent to the 2024 RPT Platform & Resolutions Committee members:

Thank you for serving on the 2024 RPT Platform & Resolutions Committee.  As one who served on your body in 2022, I know how much effort it takes to do so.

This letter is to urge you to consider and pass to the state convention delegates two resolutions, one on Border Security and the other on Election Integrity.

Every RPT convention passes a small number of timely, high priority, big impact resolutions that get major media attention. (Last session we stated the truth that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and we condemned John Cornyn for betraying our right to keep and bear arms.)  There is evidence that overwhelming majorities of Texas Republicans care about border security and election integrity and want effective action now – before the general election in November – on both these issues.

Enforce Border Security Without Delay, Despite the Feds Telling us to Delay


The occupied federal government violates federal border security law every day, using our tax dollars to the benefit of the various trafficking businesses of the cartels.  Governor Abbott has sent multiple letters to President Biden urging him to stop violating the law and protect Texans from the border invasion, stating that Texans have the natural and constitutional right to defend themselves against this invasion and imminent danger that will not admit of delay.

The governor has declared an emergency and using Texas law, the power of commander in chief delegated him by the Texas Constitution, and the concurrent right of defense reserved to Texas in the U.S. Constitution, deployed Texas military and law enforcement to defend Texans. The Texas legislature passed SB 4 last year, creating Texas law that criminalizes entry in between ports of entry into Texas from Mexico, and allowing removal of illegals under certain circumstances.

Because Texas reserves the power to self defense when it concurrently delegates the duty to the federal government, the federal government under the U.S. Constitution cannot preempt Texas from defending the people of Texas when we are in such “imminent danger as will not admit of delay.”

Yet, the cases have been brought in the federal judiciary against legitimate, constitutional actions by Texas to stem the invasion and address the danger, and worse yet, some parts of the federal judiciary are attempting to delay or stay Texas defensive action when they will not admit of delay!

Proposed Resolution (Click here for PDF version:

WHEREAS, The federal government is deliberately acting in violation of federal law to the benefit of cartels in their trafficking businesses to detriment of the citizens of Texas and the immigrants delivered into the hands of the cartels; and

WHEREAS, Untold number of terrorists under the control this nation’s enemies have been embedded into Texas and the United States due to the deliberate violation of federal law and are a clear and present danger to the security of Texans and Americans; and

WHEREAS, Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying due to deliberate fentanyl poisoning by cartels using Communist Chinese precursors with the assistance of the federal government’s deliberate open borders policies; and

WHEREAS, The federal government’s deliberate violation of federal law is a violation of the constitutional mandate on the federal government in Article IV, Section 4 to protect Texas from invasion; and

WHEREAS, Under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, Texas is entitled as a sovereign state of the United States of America to protect itself against this current cartel and border invasion. This constitutional authority grants the State of Texas the power to defend the state when the state has been invaded or is "in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay"; and

WHEREAS, the Texas governor is taking defensive actions to repel illegal border crossings under authority granted to him by the US Constitution, the Texas Constitution, and Texas law; and

WHEREAS, Texas has recently passed SB 4 providing a method of deportation of invaders after due process; and

WHEREAS, Texas has a natural and constitutional right to self defense that is a power reserved to Texas.  Because a power reserved by Texas cannot be legitimately questioned or denied by the agent to which the power is not relinquished, the federal judiciary has no jurisdiction over if, when, or how Texas chooses to defend itself; and

WHEREAS, Texas is in imminent danger of irreparable harm that will not admit of delay and that any federal judicial stay delays Texas in its self-defense, be it

RESOLVED, That the Republican Party of Texas calls upon Texas law enforcement, the Texas judiciary, and the governor to act to protect Texans from the border invasion and imminent danger, enforcing SB 4 and other such measures as the governor or legislature sees fit to protect Texas, without paying heed to any stays or opinions of the federal judiciary or other branch of federal government to the contrary.  

June Special Session for State Level Election Law Enforcement and Stopping Illegal Alien Registration and Voting


Problems:  The 2022 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals’ State v. Stephens opinion prohibiting the Texas Attorney General from independent, state-level prosecution of the violation of election (and other) law makes prosecution of election law violations in the high population counties of Texas in 2024 unlikely.

More and more reports are coming in that in addition to violating federal law on immigration and border security, federal agents and the federally funded NGOs are also violating federal and Texas law to register the illegal aliens they are processing to vote.

Both Texas and federal law criminalizing a noncitizen registering and voting exist.  And Texas law criminalizes assisting noncitizens in registering to vote or voting.  But Texas law makes it very difficult to remove non-citizens from voter rolls.

Any law without enforcement is worthless.


  • Legislation to implement independent state-level prosecution of election integrity, public integrity, abortion, human smuggling, sex slave trade, sedition, and riot in response to and in compliance with the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals’ State v Stephens

The bill that led the way in the 88th Regular Session was SB 1927 (Hughes). For a variant on that approach, see also HB 4026 (Schofield).

  • Legislation to facilitate removal of non-citizens from Texas voter rolls and mandates to clean up the voter rolls for inactive registrations and registrations with unauthorized non-residential addresses.


Texas is unlikely to have effective enforcement of election law in the largest counties in 2024 without this legislation. Recently passed improvements to the law enabling removal of recalcitrant prosecutors are worthwhile, but due to long lead times and narrow removal criteria, these improvements will not work to address the looming 2024 problem. It is no secret that in certain counties, Texans cannot rely on local prosecutors to enforce the rule of law! Adding state prosecutorial resources for human trafficking, sex slave trade, abortion enforcement and election law violations will no doubt save the lives of children and protect Texas voters from organized vote theft.

I do not want to have to tell Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, or other Republican candidates on the ballot in 2024 that Texas had the opportunity to effectively enforce election law in 2024, but failed to do so.

Proposed Resolution (click here for PDF version:

WHEREAS, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) 2022 State v Stephens opinion stops the Attorney General from independently prosecuting any crime, including election law, and

WHEREAS, Texas big county district attorneys funded by globalist outsiders like George Soros have demonstrated their unwillingness to prosecute many criminal statutes including election law, and

WHEREAS, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and other Republican campaigns need effective election law enforcement for the November, 2024 election in the big counties of Texas, and

WHEREAS, Proposition 10 on the 2024 Republican primary ballot called for one method of achieving independent, state-level prosecution of election law, receiving 89.4% of the vote (even with invited Democrat participation in our Republican primary), and

WHEREAS, existing Texas election law does not mandate proof of citizenship to register to vote and voter cleanup procedures under Texas law make it very costly and difficult to identify and remove illegal aliens from Texas voter rolls, and

WHEREAS, several media sources are alleging that federal agencies and federally funded non-governmental agencies are encouraging recent illegal aliens to vote on a large scale, be it therefore

RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon Governor Abbott to call a special session in June, 2024 to increase election integrity.  Specifically, the call should include the following:

  • ELECTION INTEGRITY ENFORCEMENT: Legislation to implement independent state level prosecution of election integrity, public integrity, abortion, human smuggling, sedition, and riot in response to and in compliance with the CCA State v Stephens
  • ENSURING THAT ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE NOT VOTING IN TEXAS: Legislation to require proof of citizenship for new voter registration and a thorough review of existing voter rolls to identify and remove illegal aliens, other non-citizens, those with unauthorized non-residential addresses, and long-time inactive from the voter rolls.

Looking forward to seeing you at the convention and working with you . . .

Toward liberty,

Tom Glass
X:  @tomgglass
Facebook:  Tom G Glass
Texas Constitutional Enforcement FB group
Texas Legislative Priorities FB group

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  • Tom Glass
    published this page in Blog 2024-05-15 11:59:05 -0500