Texas Constitutional Enforcement was created to be an action organization. Sure, we do lots of education/persuasion about the power of constitutional enforcement to win back our liberty. We have to do that by necessity.
But we are not political scientists here in this group. We do not study politics for the joy of the study. We are political engineers. We study the science because we want to accomplish something - specifically win back our liberty from the progressives and cronies that have stolen it.
Winning liberty is not a spectator sport. Where I grew up, Odessa, there was a civic motto: "If it is to be, it is up to me."
Being educated about the issues is not enough. Voting is not enough. Actively persuading our Texas elected officials to take on our cause is what is needed. THAT is the main purpose of this group.
As the Tenth Amendment Center points out, it is "nullification" season, especially in Texas, where we only get one regular legislative session every two years. Legislators are filing bills for the 86th Texas legislative session that starts on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 and goes until Monday, May 27. We like to call it, "Constitutional Enforcement Season."
State Rep. Cecil Bell has told me that he plans to file the Texas Sovereignty Act again. And in this session, unlike the last one, we will not have the CoS legislation vying for the attention of the legislators when they think about federal push-back.
I hope each one of you will work several items into your plans:
1) Sign up for email updates and provide us with your address so we can determine what state rep and state senate district you live in.
2) Talk to your state rep and state senator about constitutional enforcement and the Texas Sovereignty Act, urging them to support it. Face to face is best. If you want me (Tom Glass) to come along, I will do what I can to schedule that. This can be done in the district before the session starts, or in Austin after it starts, early in the session. Contact me at [email protected] or at 832-472-4726.
3) If you can't meet with your state rep and state senator, I hope you will send a letter or make a call to them asking for that support when the session starts.
4) Schedule vacation time for the next session to come and testify at hearings at the State Capitol when needed, or to walk the halls of the Capitol pushing for the Texas Sovereignty Act during the session when the time is right.
5) Invite me or other Texas Constitutional Enforcement leaders to come speak to a civic group to which you belong. See contact info above.
Winning our liberty back is not a spectator sport. It is a participatory one. Legislators are filing bills for the 86th Texas legislative session now, for when the session starts on Tuesday, January 8, 2019. Here are ways you can participate!
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